Because we Kuwaiti people can't think without food KAMCO is offering their services with a fresh boiled egg and a full basket of fruit.
Thank you KAMCO your comeercial really made me want to join you guys 9ij sucks!
allah yer7am ayam bo rashed.
moo hathaa elly mashhy alnaas matfaker elaa bel akel
bs a7laa da3ayaa malt alwa6aneyaaa wayed 7elwaa
في شي بالدنيا احلى من الاكل ؟
What about their ad about the "Nigooshi!"
cosim: thanks for those commercials wallah, i think this country should think in a healthier way sarting from food.
lil: yes
the stallion: yeah true that one too but thank god its not food. hey did you notice that all Muta7eda companies are using blue and navy blue for their name? (exclude wataniya)
which add... I didn't see that one??
bo ghazi: check it out on alrai TV after eftar, you will see a garson moving around with food in his hand offering to poeple (bortaqal..tofa7 , etc) and then he offers you a boiled egg and say (neqademha lik emgashara,,,khadamat kamco ettc :)
Too funny and totally agree...but I do like the wataniya one...and the other ad that gets on my nerves is "Broge"...the getras...the way the guy speaks...you'd think he was entering a war or something! Brogeeeee..ta na..na..naaaaaa!
The funniest was that Paratha add. Totally gross. Teega! The whole family waiting for a damn oily paratha which the mother (mona 3abdelmajeed) rolls it and munches it as the oil squirts out on her cheeks, and the kids shout Teeegaa Teeeegaaa Teeega LOL
i have no clue ,, i better check that add gabil
I've been reading this post since posted and never got it, until now after reading the comments :p
Ads never got me into buying anything, they simply serve a basic way of humor, or in the case of most Ramadhan-ian Ads :: gross you up with nonsense & untalented, ugly actors with weird unrelated script/text!
Obese is such a gentle word.. what we have is PHAT Popl. The 'e''s in poeple was dilebrately removed because 'someone' ate them.
misscosmo: its really good commercial i like it too.. :)
equa: this one is actualy disguz6ing :) ya3ny dude this and country/cant rise yuck.
ms.milk yes true thank you :) i wish they do get creative we have such great minds to be explored like tatabotata for instance he is brilliant they need to be creative really.
mbh: lol walla true actually arab da3ayat never make us active :) :) :P if u get what i meam.
ich etc.: bo rashed angez wela a6mer 7ad il malaqa.
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