Please ppl Please

Zigg is in jabriya block 10 and some saw him aboce the main co-op.
Ziggy was found in both block 10 and 11 in jabriya so he would be either in those two areas or in Qasser bayan ; hmm Dearest readers do you think i can enter that place???
Please people Please help me find my ziggy please help
Im really attached to him.
Just take a look on your roof you might see him there or between those green bushs you have in your garden you might find him there Or while your driving in the streets on kuwait specially jabriya and surra you might see him flying from house to another.
I swear i never got attached to anything in my whole entire life like this bird, its not like having a pet or a clever macaw, ziggy has a special meaning in my heart.
You can't believe how we felt each other and how he took care of me. Yes its a bird but nothing was like him. Once i came home sad and i was rushing to my room so no one see's those tears in my eyes, few minutes later ziggy was trying to open my door and he simply licked those tears. He is so special and im really sad for his loss.
I hope he wont die out of hunger and dehydration. I dont know why he chosed to fly away maybe he was angry from me and sad from something in our house that i wouldnt know. Believe me if anyone saw him and he refused to come to me i would let him go to his new partner but i want to know he is safe and sound.
If you found this bird anyplace close by please just let me know. And believe me i would give you his worth but 6amnoony 3aleeh ga6a3ly galby.
I hope he comes home very soon!
Hope you find ZiggyWiggy soon
oh :'(
inshaAllah u will find Ziggy very soon ...
oh thank you all thanks jojo,ra-1,chrissy sugar, and fractal
thank you all
i just hope he is safe and sound.
I hope you find him soon. Next time though - clip the wings. It prevents disasters such as this one.
haram!! update us!! good luck! I know what it feels like to lose a pet =~{ I really do hope you find it ={
sorry for that walla .. hope that he will come back to you
sorry for that walla .. hope that he will come back to you
thank you stinni thank you thank you i think next time i will add an ancklet to his feet.
sponta: inshalla i will thank you dear
sowhat: thanks i hope so too :(
hope you find your ziggy soon
Even ziggy left.
all the close things to my heart disappear, i hope i dont lose whats left close to this little heart i have.
Even this bird left.
I wonder what did i do wronge? how did i hurt him? or i was that boaring!
Even ziggy refused to come back.
I was three meters far from him and he refused to come down to me, i remember him rushing to me before but that day that specialy day when i felt we are closer than ever he left, the same old story with all my friends and dear people in my heart, the same thing happened with them.
When they became really close to my heart and i really gave them what they want i lost them. When i gave the care and attention they needed i lost them.
This is either a spell or la3na min allah or a test..leish i still can't tell why.
So i believe i will follow the "100 years of solitude" and i will be one of those ppl in the story. The lived in solitude until they passed away lonely.
Allah kareem.
I really feel broken deeply deeply and deep.
قلبي معك وذاك المسكين زيغي
آمل بعود أحمد
thanks hanan i wish too
thanks estech ee wallah yareet
how can we help?!
Maybe u could ask the guards to help capture him?
I just remembered, one commented that you should clip his wings once you get him back.
I was just wondering, aren't you being selfish? don't get me the wrong way, but the bird was always kept inside while hearing and seeing other birds fly; He was there for you when you needed him, perhaps you could understand his point of view?
When (not if) you get him back, don't clip his wings nor tie him down to a string.. let him be. Let him choose.
Wouldn't you want the same options if you were in his shoes?
هذي عين ما صلت على النبي .. من كثر ماتكلمتي عنه في احد حاسدج عليه.
على فكر اليوم كنت مار داخل مجمع تجاري جان اشوف بوستر عليه صورة تشبه صورة زيجي .. استغربت وقلت حق نفسي معقوله ضاع منها .. بما اني من زمان مو داش البلوج قلت خل اشوف اذا زيجي ولا لأ .. ولا انتي عارضة نفس الصوره بالبلوج مالج ;)
اتوقع زيجي بالمارينا .. القز كله هناك
taqui my dearest welcome baack :) nawart il deera... i will go every day at 5 am and search for him. he is still aroung in jabriya
spony my dearest: im not asking much else than check on your roof or between your trees if you see him let me know please e-mail me and i will send you the number.
mbh: ziggy never was tied or cliped and from time to time i take him to a farm let him fly and always when i call him he comes back, this time he didnt, and believe me im happy that he is alive this is all i care of that he wont die in this weather.
i was trying to train him to let him fly and come back to me but he left too sooon
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Sweety, don';t think that you did anything wrong. Animals don't think that way like we do. He probably just want to be outside. Is there any snack that he really likes or something he has that he likes? If there is carry it with you so if you see him you might tempt him back. When one of my great danes ran away and I couldn't catch her I used to run up to the nearest car and grab the door handle and ask if if she wanted to go for a ride, she loved car rides. It worked every time! She would run up and I'd be able to grab her collar. Better luck tomorrow with coaxing him back!
On the issue of clipping wings: several avian experts suggest it because it prevents birds from flying off into the wilderness where they will most surely die because they've been born and bred in captivity, given ample food and water and have no capabilities in finding food/water on their own. It seems cruel, yes, but if it saves their lives, I think it's the best option for indoor/pet birds.
P.S. Leave a cage with food and water (door open) on your roof or yard and maybe he'll come back?
Oh I'm sorry to hear that :(
Inshallah you get him back safe and sound
Good Luck
chrisi thank you dear...i know but what can i say i miss him. Well i wish i can see him to tell him his fav. thing to let him back but i dont know where is he. I just went looking for him and there is no clue not a single one :(
stinni: thank you for the explanation thats why im really scared that he might die out of starvation. i have 2 stands outside with fiid and water and im waiting for him to come back, now im searching twice aday early morning and afternoon and i hope i can find him. I wish i can call his name and he would come back like before. i miss him
blossomy: thank you dear.
Now im training two bibi matooh's... and im building a birds tower with toys and chewable things i hope lost birds find home :)
Dear Judy,
K.. I just have a question. What if I do see him.. How am I supposed to catch him.. does he answer to his name..
Could you please give us some instructions.
Does he like certain foods... Is he attracted to certain colors. I have never caught a parrot before. But hey.. I am prepared to send out a search party. Just tell me what to do if I see him perched on a balcony.
Dearest missguided when you see him just offer him some seeds/fruit or toast with water and sugar on it and i e-mailed you my phone number call me right away
hey noni
my neice told me that she saw a big blue bird flying near her school (BBS-jabriya) yesterday
it could be ziggy !
7abebty nooni! tawenee dareet 3an ziggy...inshallah telgaina soon...I know how it feels my cat ran away once for 3 days! I looked every where for him bas al7emdallah he came back ebroo7a! keep us updated o inshallah telgaina 7abebty :*
Knock on Bayan palace doors & go find Zigy... just explain & they'll let you in
thank you all i wish he kjnows his way back
Did you find it?!!
Laish tawa yo9alni el 5abar? =/
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