Friday, September 16, 2005

Die Die Die

khala9 thats it i think its time for someone to change this fucking kuwait university issues. I wonder why we all complain on how nothing can't be done in this country and we can't finish andy governer paper in less than weeeeeeks!!

aaaah i can't believe how crazy useless is this university i got kicked out of 2 classes because they just and im saying JUST decided to make those classes MALES only classes QQ@$#%@^Y piece of pieces wallah motakhalefeeen... Now i have to take every single 18 male student in those classes to agree on me being with them
oh gosh
can't we get our classes and graduate from this damn place!!

And guess whats the reason from making one of those two classes i had males only class? because this class is without teachers name yet and the teacher of it said she will teach this class so students started to switch from the other section to this one (the one which fits my jadwal)takhalooooooooof
ya3ny intaw shako !! jam3a '3abeya
and i wonder how teachers only teach on section out of 35 students and thats it its too much for them

a'3beeeeya a'3beya

now im sick i will talk better later on.


Blogger MBH said...

I know how this feels... This gender seperation law has been nothing but a frustration to all students (and most teachers), which is a result of someone's afraid to talk to girls!! (ex-student who got to be a minister!)

Thankfully, in Engineering, all the major classes above 200 level are combined. So we can choose the time that suites us.

P.S. :: I don't always like being in combined classes. Girls tend to make everything goes their way, disregarding of what guys think.

9/16/2005 11:15 PM  
Blogger dishevelled said...

Eee I know!!
Mo bas chithee... they ALWAYS have to make things so damn complicated when they're sooo simple!

They won't let me add a class cause I passed 30 credits, but to finish the minumum requirements to major I need over 30, so why don't they just say NO, instead of giving me a bullshit reason!

I also signed up for a class that I spent an hour and a half looking for, turns out the room doesn't exist, then they told us it was in a different room, I went there and it was another class. Basically, they still didn't find the class, they don't know who's teaching it. They also gave me a number to call and ask, turns out its maf9ool 3an il khidma.

Lovely ain't it? :0
Walla they piss me off so much!

They're soo unorganized and they always discriminate against girls!
Guys always have the easy way out here.

Walla i hope one of those people who vote against "ikhtila6" as they call it, buy himself/herself a brain! Walla its annoying, everything's closed, and they have classes with fewer students when they don't even have the classrooms available or enough professors. A few times the books that were required we sold out from the university bookstore.

In short, KU is a messed up hell hole. So before they give us all that crap of being "7aram" jame3ee, i suggest they treat it as such!


Well, I hope the nitwits ( aka guys in that class) "ALLOW" you to join them... they're playing god already, god sexist people piss me off!

lol..sorry but first two days were rough, a much needed venting! ;P

9/19/2005 12:49 AM  

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