Great minds make good money

Trying to see the sales guy, which was a tinny nerdy look guy with beautiful smile greeted me in his new shop.. He seemed like a 18ish dude. Amazing! His shop was an ipod and accessory shop he sell ipods for good prices _cheap_ and has ipod packages discounts too. Still for the lazy Kuwaiti you are or you don't download much nor don't have a good connection, this guy do every thing for you.. He downloads every thing to your ipod what ever you want.
Imagine you buy a 60MB ipod with 800 songs you love already in it! I mean how fast technology can be.
Great idea I have to admit.
Hope his business work out well.
So I decided to get my hot girl friends ipod condoms and ipod arm cases so they would market ipods _you know hot girls make new hits in Kuwait_ and this business work out well for this dude, ba3deen anafsa :P _kidding_, unfortunately I don’t know how to get there again ! I was lost!
ily chenna jacket 7adddaaa eyshaawwwwig!!
yabeeela rou7a there ;p
1) Give the directions to get lost again and find the shop!
2) condoms???!!
3) You're tagged ^_^
voluble_grl: oh there are many crazy stuff.
MBH :) i will try again.
2- yeah never heard of the condoms? ipod ones i mean :P there are cell condoms too
:) thanks for the tag check it out.
Very nice place you fell upon! A typical place for Kuwaitis and Arabs!
BTW great pic of the girl holding th iPod! ;o)
SS you like the women in white and jeans too :) she's all your babe
Well the female belly button and it's surrounding area is the most attractive part in my point of view. Plus a lady in blue jeans and a white top is amazing as well!
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