Sunday, November 27, 2005

Raqemny Akalmik,TeT-leegaf Athib7ik!

Blogging has been really good to many people, it’s a place for them to express them selves and vent their stress away and to others it’s a way to meet new friends and have some fun, others used it as a place to practice their language and skills and educate them selves so at the end every one want to feel connected to his/her blog and feel free to express them selves in any way they wish on their little window. All they have is a little window to write on and draw.

In the past Kuwaiti bloggers were little and the only way we can know about each others blog by either telling each other or linking or from the blog searching it self. Recently thanks to Nibaq and his team he did the Kuwait aggregator to aggregate bloggers from Kuwait to ease they connection between their minds and we became like a little cyber society from Kuwait. Like every thing in the world there is the good and the bad there are people from all kinds universal minds if I may say gathered through letters on a web log, as those letters increased and as thoughts were expressed more and more freely without and boundaries bloggers from Kuwait increased in number we became large number (mashalla) and the aggregator reached it 200 member.

Each blogger has his style his way his personality, some of us are interested in meeting other bloggers some want to meet the opposite gender while …etc others just want to stay anonymous yes my dearest bloggers, the good thing about bloggerbot that gives every blogger a profile page to map your self some of us Kuwaiti blogger don’t want to share information about them selves others are ok with it and I believe this should be respected cyberly or not privacy should be respected. If any person want to say who is he or how he looks like they would do it and if you ask them they might answer your questions.

This brings us to ethics that our culture and religion taught us to knock every house door before entering and wait for approval to enter and that’s the same thing with blogs you can't just enter any bloggers life without knocking his door, respecting each bloggers privacy is an important thing to keep them on and on writing and us enjoying every single word we read from them.

Respecting others privacy is an issue in Kuwait I believe even in blog world they don’t want to get let it go.. Before going around the walls sneaking into each bloggers personal life and trying to know who is who take a deep breath …and think twice! Do you want other bloggers or blog readers to sneak in into your personal profile and know who you are and talk about it with others? If you don’t care then think again will they agree or accept you to enter they system and know what they are trying to hide from you?

If any bloggers want to show and tell the whole world this is me and I look that way and I work here and there then there we go they are ok with it and we can know it FROM them not behind their back. Working behind anyone back is a dangerous issue; if you need to know anything just ASK instead.

Let us stop ruining every good thing that is happing to our community, lets us fix the big mistakes we are doing in reality through cyber world, let bloggers express them selves freely do plug their minds and don’t block their mouth from talking, don’t tie they fingers from expressing. Let us help each other grow not shutting every one down, I lost great bloggers friends many of them closed their blogs for this reason stop my dear bloggers stop being nosy.


Blogger A3sab said...

How can you track down ablogger and know who they are if they don't mention it on their profile page or talk about it in their blog? they would have to ask the internet provider right? but would people actually go to that trouble just to find out who the other blogger is? please explain.

11/27/2005 6:11 PM  
Blogger A3sab said...

and would the internet provider reveal such info?

11/27/2005 6:11 PM  
Blogger 3baid said...

I can't read your posts, they're white. Is it just me?

11/27/2005 7:17 PM  
Blogger Nooni said...

reload the page dear 3a9ab, well do you know that your bank can reveal your bank account if you know someone there! why internet provider wont? :/

11/27/2005 8:07 PM  
Blogger Delicately Realistic said...

I really liked this post Jud!

Totally agree.

11/27/2005 9:24 PM  
Blogger U.E. said...

Our curiosity gets the best of us at times, no doubt, but you are correct. We should each respect the privacy of others and not dig for information that is not offered freely. And to take it a step further, I promise to drop my issue with the one blogger I detest and never vocalize my personal opinion about him again. :-) Thanks for putting it out there sweet-ums.

11/28/2005 10:45 AM  
Blogger MBH said...

You know Judy, when you mentioned sneaking into other blogger's lives, I thought of it as a hacking kinda way!
I can tell you how to do it, but I fear those who will abuse it...

But in general, you can do what I call "info-harvest", in which you read THE WHOLE blog, including its comments and trace the comments to their owners and see if the blogger you're tracking has left any comments there...
This would take roughly a month.
After one month, it's safe to say that I know you! Where you work, or at least narrow down the options, the way you live, again can be narrowed to few places, what you drive, where I can find you... etc.

And if someone thinks why would someone go through all the trouble, the answer is simple :: (A) A game of challange (B) Pedophiles or Sexual predators in general

If you wamt to elaborate on how someone could track you and how to avoid it let me know. Perhaps worth a post?

11/28/2005 6:39 PM  
Blogger ray said...

u know ... i was thinking about it today..

i have no problem in revealing my identity if some one asked me to

but i really HATE it when they try to figure it out on their own like by asking other bloggers ... it's so pathetic !

11/28/2005 10:39 PM  
Blogger 3baid said...

Judy, please go to your template settings and remove the line that says:


It's the 6th line from:

body {

You shouldn't notice any difference if you're using Firefox but Safari (web browser for Mac) refers back to the default text color which is currently labeled "white". This is what it looks like right now.

11/29/2005 10:14 AM  
Blogger Nooni said...

DR:) glad you did

miss milk: watch out la tet3awereen

unknown :) thats great we should let other live and express them selves :)luv u gurl

samboose dear there are people who can't control their curuisty to know what going on around them even if it was in un ethetical way!

MBH: shoot dude

Ray:exactly and they would use things against you i know :)

oh sorry 3baid i will go check it out...well im using firefox and i dont see anything i will do it right away. Thank you !

11/29/2005 10:57 AM  
Blogger 2 Second Club ® said...

I think people that would try to find out about anonymous bloggers behind their backs are the lowest of all.. I am sure there is a valid reason to the person who is not revealing their selves for wanting to be anonymous, trying to know who they are would disrupt everything for that person.. I for one will quit blogging, because I speak my mind on my blog, and I have my reasons for not wanting some people in my life to know.. I know Kuwait is small, and some of the people in here are just nosy like that, but I hope things stay the same way and not ruin it for me..

Great entry Nooni.. I likey..

11/29/2005 11:16 AM  
Blogger Nooni said...

Dony don no boy nop dont even think of quiting i will be an FBI agent and stalk you until you come back and blog :P

11/29/2005 6:57 PM  
Blogger True Faith said...

I like bloggers specially those I visit their blogs and contact via email.

But never thought of knowing who they are, I mean I like who they are in blogs and emails, I believe that they are good but never thought of knowing them further more.

It's nice like that; without life features just names and thoughts. It's so perfect.

As for I prefer to be anonymous; I have nothing to fear yet I prefer it like that.

11/30/2005 9:15 PM  
Blogger Nooni said...

TF: now we know why you always refuse to meet :) well im glad you are here :* luv you gurl

12/02/2005 11:59 PM  
Blogger Misguided said...

Dear Judy,

I loved the post and it is true. There are people who just are nosy period!

They can't be helped... but what goes around comes around in one form or the other... so there you have it my 2 cents on the subject.


PS. Could you elaborate on the Title of the post

12/05/2005 2:31 AM  
Blogger Nooni said...

Thank you missguided,, well what i meant with the heading is that if you come and ask for my info i will actually answer but if you try to sneak behind my back you will get killed !
kinda attractor tittle of its wierdness! i just learned that in a writing class! :)

12/05/2005 11:30 PM  

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