The Pandemic Girl

In the darkness of the night of a pandemic, a little girl on your door standing in maze looking! Hiding her body behind your place walls exposing her brown golden hair curled down on her tinny forehead; she tries to sneak a look at you with her bright rounded brown eyes. She sees you across the hall sitting on your chair being hugged with pillows surrounding your body, comforts her curiosity to take a step forward to passing the door.
In front of you she stands freezed under the door frame looking at you with her little white dress and matching her teddy bear with floral hat on its head hugging it tightly to her chest. Amazed is the only expression you see on her face. She bends her head forward to look into your face searching for your eyes to connect. Like a gypsy trying to find a lost love one in your eyes. She opens her eyes widely happily when your eyes fall directly to hers. Closer she gets; to your eyes she rushes hoping, praying, and blessing your heart.
Into your eyes she takes deep breath; oozes her fear; excited her to reach through with her tinny fingers to your dirty look beard refreshing every dry cell around every single hair. Little girl draws a smile on your lugubrious face, to praise your broken soul, nourishing your heart and gets you out of your dull solitude.
A hallow she is in the darkness of the pandemic!
A ray of hope?
A nice way to cover up for your previous post...
:P 3ashan ma a7abe6koum :)
Beautiful angelic image.
Heart Blender? When did that happen. I still have you as Lost in Translation :)
hanan :) not anymore my dear im heart blender now :) and you can keep lost in translation dear :)
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