Cross Roads

Thoughts have been always crossing my mind about pedestrians in Kuwait, wondering if it's possible for anyone to cross roads walking without any fear especially now days we can't feel safe in our own cars on the roads.
I took the adventure, got dressed got my ipod and bottle of water and hit the streets, left my cellular phone at home, my ID and all those stuff that I usually carry with me just in case. LOVELY!
Walked from my place to another near by area which usually takes 5 -10min. By car and it took me 45min. walking, Amazing! My speed was 5.5mile/hour and still it took 45minutes. That's a lot to be honest. It was scary to cross those streets specially when cars were speeding in a residential area and more fear when i crossed the bridge with cars speeding on the curved bridge, this didn't stop me from sneak a look from the highest point on the bridge to see the traffic underneath and then feel the shaky (hatholy il 7adayed on the side of the bridge) which was broken.
Usually this seen would be a river or a park underneath instead it was speeding cars, noisy horns and clash noise of an accident, for a while i felt out of the country until the accident happened i smiled and ran of the bridge then thought to my self "what the hell i was thinking I'm in Kuwait not in Europe".
Reached my destination which was the walking lane in the other area jogged few circuits and hit the streets back home, One thing really disappointed my trip really broke my heart was the garbage. Personally I have never ever seen Kuwait this dirty in my life I remember many years back I used to go out with my friends on our bikes cruising in our area I can't remember any bad smell or meat and trash kept in the middle of the streets, I can't even remember passing by a garbage can filled with bags and cats and some of them on the ground with boxes and rubbish!
Honestly is this how civilized Kuwaiti's have become? Is this where we live in? I had doubts that I belong to such filthy place, What shocked me the most is the houses fronts they are filthy dirty and the space in front of their house was actually their parking!! All of it! How come? ween il baladeya! Ok two, three cars parking in front of the house but not all of the space. Don't we have lots of Bengali workers to clean? Add to it most houses have more than one maid to help in cleaning!
But I did it and I don't think I would do it again with all the dirt I passed by :) And I decided I want to be wazeerat il baladeya :P I will be strict and kick asses,
- No more that 2 parking space in front of each house,
- No car shades in front of the whole house, there should be a space in front of each house front for walking,
- No house entrance in front of the other house garage,
- No zbala out of the garbage canes :)
- No house higher that its neighbor
- No apartments next to houses
I totally agree! I wish we had pedestrian space on our roads and streets. It's almost impossible to go walking around anywhere anymore! :/
I agree with having a sidewalk for pedestrians to walk on but your rules are wrong!
No more that 2 parking space in front of each house
You cannot do that! Our house has 5 cars! (3 guys, dad, and mom) so we need more than 2 parking spaces!
No car shades in front of the whole house
There should be mathalat but they should be nice and properly maintained! You cannot keep a car outside in Kuwaiti weather!
There should be a space in front of each house front for walking
I agree with you here and that should be a new regulation!
No house entrance in front of the other house garage
This makes no sense! What did you mean by it?
No zbala out of the garbage canes :)
I agree with this one but then the government should supply more than just one trash can cause Kuwaiti people will be too lazy to go buy one!
No house higher that its neighbor
You cannot put that rule cause each person has a right to choose what kind of house he/she should live in so the design is up to them!
No apartments next to houses
I agree with you here! Appartment buildings should be built next to each other in one neighborhood while in another neighborhood you would have villas and the other you would have townhouse communitites!
Sorry for the long comment but that's my 2 cents!
Your absolutely right. Kuwait is getting dirtier every day. And I blame it on the way those people were raised and the blame lays on their parents. If every parent teach their kids to clean after them selves, then we would not have that problem now. But instead they relay on maids and servants to do every thing.
But we do have this problem and we should face it. (Bass eed wa7dah matsafeg)
BTW, cute nick name "juddy abbott", brought out memories of my childhood.
Good on you Girl, cheers.
3baid: true i wish the same too.
Laialy_q8: chicken :P
The Stallion: how about having a garage inside the house instead of outside it? by that you can have any shades you wish any style , and what i mean by having entrance infront of a grage that the houses infront of each other should not have thier grage door oppisite to the other neighbourhouse entrance where visitor usually park their car and plug the garage entrace.
About the zbala how about taking the zbala more often?or lets say at better times than 1am! i believe they are owned by companies now !
I meant by no house higher than its neighbout by which the areas if you know are devided in a certain level that would have only max of 3 level houses in that area..and you can comment as much as you want :) il beet beetik ;)
hussa G welcome to my place dear.. you are right i believe family are part of it..but if you take a closer look to the dirt you will notice that its what the cleaners and trash companies should do!
oh yeah hussa :) Good old days with juddy abbott :) i believe we might be the same age then \:)
hmmmm oh well! :P
Our house has za7ma all the time cause of the Diwaniya that people come to everyday! The neighborhood is a mess when one of the embassies around us decides to have a dinner party! You get thier traffic as well as the traffic of the diwaniya!
As usual, I didn't understand all parts of your post(zbala?)... but I do agree with the trash thing. Bins should be covered so that trash cannot fly out in the wind and they should be picked up often enough that they are NEVER overflowing. And bins should be mandatory! I've seen lots of buildings (apartments and such) where people don't use bins at all. They just throw it in a big pile outside and then every six months a bulldozer comes by and buries it in the sand. GROSS. People should have a little more pride and respect for themselves, their neighbors, their homes and this country!
she is not a chicken its me that i am an overprotective MOM !!!!!!! she is a very special girl!!!!!!!!!
Laialy_q8 MOM
stallion: thank god for valet parking dude im glad im not your neighbour :P
UE: oh yeah i agree with you... so true this cleaning system should really be changed. BTW sorry i forgot to translate zbala is garbage :)
laialy mom : welcome to my place i still insist ur daughter is a chicken ;)
I wouldn't do that in kuwait, otherwise I love walking I could walk walk walk for hours
sponta: i love walking in residential areas
and what will you do when after enforcing your rules some VIP refuses to submit, grabs his gun and theatens to shoot those baladiya workers if they dear vandalize his illegal yard? (true story. or so I hear)
Nice topic girl you hit
(قلب الحقيقة ) you ispired me to write about what i saw that day see my blog to read the story ..
Side note: Juddy I forgot to mention that I can now see your posts after you removed the "white" part of you template, thank you :D
hnan Damn no way this is esloob 7athary :P
nooni :) thanks man... great post.
laialy :P great eyes already
3baid: lots of thanks to you :)
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