Hipster or Low waist !!

Thanks to the new hip with hipster and low waist trousers for giving me the vision for view creative underwear this is excluding the butts that I start my day seeing them...
But from all those underwear's and undershirts...I think most of Kuwaiti women and men need this kit. For god sake why they all have (9erwal mashgoog)?? Why why? Well it's sexy in a way and yet annoying I prefer to see that line (hairy behinds and lower backs) on tore underwear.
Thank god we have those cheap markets where they sell those underwear's for 500 fils for a pack of 6...so throw your old one and get 6 new ones for a price cheaper than the gas you use for your car. LOL
What is funny about it that you see a very trendy women or a very clean gentleman sitting in front of you and their underwear is ugly and mashgoog, to be honest I can't stop laughing when I see such a thing; they spend that much time taking care of their clothes and makeup and perfume and couldn't change their underwear YUCK I can't imagine how dirty their toes look..
So I started to check toes too and guess what I noticed dirty toes and yes I mean dirty _not ugly_ but dirty filthy with long nails (I don't know why) they have tore underwear :) LOL...Oh yea I'm seeing lots of underwear these days ;)...So they should either cover their behinds when they sit or wear clean underwear and a neat one.
Have a good day people without 9araweel mashgooga : P
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i hate low waist especially when they are showing your underwear it is not nice at all ..
bs 7elwa malat sarawel mashgoga :) those ppl dotn care about their internal things and that would include underwear :P
I thought kuwaities like their new CK underwears :P "ayam i lived there LOL"
dirty toes !! ma astaghreb kelleeeesh
Sa3at widdy agool 7eg bint "ta'3u66ay tara imbayin" bess ma7ib afeshilha :/
loooooool hathaa 5oosh class so where can i sign up for it walaa 9ara7aa fun kel yooom meen al9eeb 9'e7k tammam
hathaa shows u that ppl here in kwt just care about the outside fee kel shy lebs sayaraat 7etaa a5laag 9a67eyeaaaaaaaan :)
yalaa have fun in ur class oo latloo3 chabdech meen al toes :P
Mashgoog undies that's funny but yickes !
bloboz: hmm yeah true shelly yesheg'houm!
shopaholic: wanna know how i can see them! i will tell you the secret.. sit in the last row in the class :)
salted-caramel: ya bakhtech wallah.. nafsety et3abat hairy butts o 9araweel mashgooga !! Too much for 8 am ;)
lil Alien: LOL 3ayal inta the one jedamy without underwear instead something else is showing :P
Sowhat: add to it their toes YUCK dirty dirty dirty even ziggy my bird has cleaner toes :)
Exceer: beeeeh CK was when i was in secoundary school (6th grade) , so its common in this country to have toes emshagega with dust and black lines on the nail!
3baid: ana agoolik fashelha oo say it ..ta'3a6ay o in7ash :P
cosimfree911: comeon over gurl ;) 8 am every day LOL .. ee walla 9edagtay
, thank you dear ra7 a7awel ena matloo3 chabdy shakly bil akheer ra7 awaz3 foot scrub LOL
Kuwaiti_man: beeeh lel7een fe nas dla'3athoum mashgooga (hehehe ) ana astanas 3ala il dla'3at il mashgooga sexy no!
Blossom Ausome: :) i wish i can take a picture of them it would crack you up.
torn underwear in class!!!!??? is that KUNIV or what!!??
yes flam is kuwait uni.
i got a rule .. if the girl is taking care of her face , taking care of her foot then propably she is taking care of in-between ..
sowhat: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL hehehehe LOOOOL abeeh you are 100% right ruck gurl
noni :) lol 24 years of experience dear :P
sowhat: Yaaaay :)
shpaholic: mamnoo3 :)i wish but mamnoo3
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