Breastfeeding mania!

Do women breasts change this much after their baby?
Ok what if she didn't breastfeed her child would she get dangling empty pairs? If yes would they get any better with chest exercises and push ups?
I mean would they get filled with muscles instead??
IM scared now ..
do women really reach this point! How do they feel about them selves?
is it ok do have this change in their breast?
what about their man would he still be interested?
would he still like his wife?
ok paraffin or body rapping wont help to give back the round shape?
is there anyway to solve this thing without plastic surgery?
do women really reach this point! How do they feel about them selves?
is it ok do have this change in their breast?
what about their man would he still be interested?
would he still like his wife?
ok paraffin or body rapping wont help to give back the round shape?
is there anyway to solve this thing without plastic surgery?

I had those millions questions and the more I search the worse I feel .. IM not happy now will you please say something about this? Women really is this true? Like did you see it with your eyes??

would I reach a point that I don't care about my body and have children! Ok what about him! :( eshthanba il rayel il maskeen :( :(
But the way babies look when they are hugging their mothers breast and squeezing it more milk is a breathtaking scene :(
But the way babies look when they are hugging their mothers breast and squeezing it more milk is a breathtaking scene :(
I will Allow anonymous replys ..Please lift me up : ( IM sad ..
also please Note: check out" playa" reply is it true??
looool...the 'please lift me up' sentence is very well placed in this post!
Anyway, men don't really whether their wives are as pretty or tight as they were when they married them! The reason for this is that men cheat on their wives all the time! So no need to worry about us men we're fine.
hmm, breast feeding, yummy.
playa: i hate you.
purg: 7adik emthaye3!! im talking about something else!! but hey do u remember how it taste's like?
I'll be blunt and to the point. They change during pregnancy and breastfeeding but afterwards they go back to pre-pregnancy size and color. That's been my experience. Your feet aren't so lucky.. ;)
stinni: really really :) so its not like whats in the website i checked!! please say yes..
oh thank god ..Mom told me the same thing but this site is shocking to me :S 8]. Thanks u reliefed me a little .. another thing is what playa said is true?
bloboz : allah bil kheer :)
Aha! The site you linked to is blocked by Fasttelco!! Anyway, you'd have to ask Playa if he really cheats but I find that if a man is satisfied mentally, physically, emotionally, and intelluctually - then no, he won't cheat. But you never know.. you just surround yourself by your children and girlfriends and then it really doesn't matter if your man cheats on you, right? Heh. ;)
stinni :) im with fasttelco and its not blocked !! its a mecidal website !"�
anyway.. you are true if one can only trust friends my dear that they dont cheat with the cheater :) :) .. thank you women you really raised me up :) and i feel better (u reminded me of my mom) thanks :*.. :)
Anytime =)
That's why I never been a breast man.. :)
You know who you should ask... a good looking, attractive, sexy mother!!
but the question is.... would she reveille her secret of beauty ;)
It's so weird that a change in appearance in that body area can maybe result in the man to cheat! But you know...things happen. There's nothing to worry about, if you know how to take care of yourself, you will be fine :)
The way I see it.... if a man is willing to cheat on his wife then he'll do it regardless of her appearance!
I just read it quick and saw pictures, hence my comment is on breast feeding, which is yummy at any age :P
Purg, when you say "at any age" are you refering to the man or the woman's age?
the don: can u give more explanation? i have million questions about what u said!
jazz central this is what im thinking about :S im lost.
bo-ghazi: i did and i met and i actually have one around but the only answer i get is dont worry you have good genes :(:S
purg: num num :P
you have one around huh?
Why don't you post a picture of her & let us be the judges ;)
bo ghazi: ma tertha etkoon out public :P .. no really she is a fit old mother and sexy but i dont know about her thing! u know there is always clothes covering them
I know what you mean... I once saw a very attractive girl while I was bringing my brother from school. I swear that girl looked real fine & I thought she was there to pick her brother like I was.. only to find out that she was there to pick up two of her sons!!!
yeah see but the thing bo-ghazi is the way women dress can change their figure 100% ..but to my taste this is not important as much as having a beautiful figure naked! so thats why im asking is this true this change happens to breastfeeders!! i wanted to know like what happenes to women out there is it really depending on our genes or there is a way to have better results! u know what i mean!?
Ya I know what you mean... I think you should ask one of those pregnancy doctors.. i'm sure they're the best ppl to ask such question.
bo-ghazi no way asking a doc. they will say the same thing as the website i attached :) ,there answer is always (yes this is normal but u keep on ur workout and take ur vitamins and well see after u breastfeed :P ) dnt u agree?
bo_ghazi both :) it is an ageless activity.
well my company choose to block this site :( any way .. yes do change during pregnancy ( physiologically ) and the best way to return them back is throught best feeding that , all studies have been showing that for years ..
however excerises , creams could be helpfull to some but not all .. surgical operation for cosmotic reasons aer not preffered in this situation ( but hell yeah every body is doing it now adays )
i dont know what have you seen since i didnt see the pic but i think you saw a darker areola , protruded nipples , weak soft breast ,,
why you are so afraid are you against breast feeding ?? plus by the way breast feeding regulate the menses after the delivery in addtion to RESHAPING the breast ..
if you have any question i will be happy to answer you ..
sowhat.. i have those million questions yes please help .. well imnot against it .. i've always heard it gives great feeling to the mom and kid and many stories on how women feel when breastfeeding .. but in this website is showing empty socks dangling instead of two breasts and the breast it self have strange shapes and cuts and no roundness and nothing that i can call it a breast :( so im afraid that one day (etha allah ketab) i had a baby what if my genes didnt work and give me back the shape :( would i still have two dangling pairs!! and what if pushups and breasts exersices didnt work what other options can a women get her beautiful pair back .. like god i dont want to have a cheating husband nor an ugly figure because i brought a new life into this world.. so all i want to know is it true breasts wont be back again ? and they wont be full as before? ans they will apear in strange empty socks dangling from our chests:(
since im the only one in the family that inheretance is not working on me im scared of this thing .. and also i heard women lose their sensation in their breasts after pregnancy (niples dont feel anything) is this true too !!! i've been asking doctors and family members and they are all telling me what i know is not true but i thought that is maybe because of our family genes !! :(
I think those pictures you linked to were shocking because:
1. We are brainwashed by the media about how women's breasts should look
2. The site deliberately put up mostly odd looking breasts in addition to those who breastfed
Actually women who have small breasts enjoy breastfeeding because it gives them a fuller look.
And I think breastfeeding IS sexy.
SC: i dont think this is in kuwait .. mayamdeehoum yeseroon 70 �!
JoJo sugar: i believe it is sexy very much :) thanks women U 100% lifted me up ;)
nooni ,
i viewed the site throught a proxy ( i felt liek a thief doing so lol )
an way .. we dont know for sure that those ladies with empty-socks -dangling as you liked to describe we dont what was their breast shape before breast feeding .. so we can judge before after ..
and yes breast feeding give the mom great feeling and make the child more attached to his mom .. plus when ever the hild suck from the mother nipple a specific hormone will be secreted from the pituitary gland ( inside the skull ) which will secrete a hormone called Oxytocin which will contract the muscular wall of the uterus ( making it return to the normal shape ) so it is not only the breast ..
and psh up excercises sure would help .. since the breast is composed of layers of fat then muscle a strong muscles will give the breast the firm shape that you want .. , saying that "and what if pushups and breasts exersices didnt work" why you would think so ??? i mean normally they would work if they were taken seriously. . maybe those women you are talking about they didnt take it seriously enought or they were doing it in the wrong way ..
and regarding nipples losing sensation .. this is not true .. actually increase in the sensation in the areola and nipples considered as an early sign for pregnancy ..
:) am still around if you have anything else to ask ..
oh soway ur great :) im ready for a child now :) thank u my dearest thank u
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