Get Some Sleep!

Lately I've been staying up all night until morning prayers. To be honest I am really happy about it because I've never got to stay awake for that long in my life. I've always been the first person to fall asleep in my family.
This made me think : sleeping is a big waste of time!, imagine if we don't need to sleep and never feel sleepy ,oh wanasa!, I would be active all day and never miss an early class or wish upon a star which I tried a lot to find one on those sleep less nights. Imagine with me you can stay awake for three days and then on the third day you get some sleep lets say 3 hours then you go on and on and on...
Well it might not be good at a certain level if everyone is awake around the world it will be Las Vegas out there _cool_ and we will be wasting lots of electricity! (Ok I'm lying here) Ok so some negativity here because after those wishing upon a star nights today when I woke up heading the shower instead of getting out of bed and walking to the shower, I headed to the hospital LOL yeah I fainted out of my 1 meter or so height bed and hurt my neck! I know it's not that high to cause any injuries but because I did few gymnastic moves meanwhile I faint LOL...I'm ok now but no more sleepless night :(
The funny part is that I had a dream of a macaw in our neighbour's house it was grabbing my finger so tight and wouldn't leave me , mean while we were trying to get him off my hand there was those little insects that were all around me ..Those insects akeleen lo7om il bashar and all the time in the dream I feel them on my thighs LOL and when I finally got to take the bird off me (3eshtaw) 4 penguins as an army came to eat those bugs hehehe...!
So people get some sleep, sleeping is very healthy ;)
Special song not released yet :
Koala bear koala bear
touch me if you dare
I will bight your finger and pull your hair
because I'm the lovely koala bear.
hahahahahahaha, I like the song
I recommend sleeping on the floor.
well i cant sleep be4 5 or 6 am this is the story of my life im tring to change this
so tell me how you do it how can you sleep i cant
purg: :)
iatra: :) LOL yeah no more gymnastics shar ma eyeek baba.
3baid ya 3baid :) hathy sowalif yadity allah yehadak !
cosmifree911: oh simple stay awake till the next day and swim in a pool for more than 2 hours ..then at 8pm you will fall asleep like a baby.
a.j.q: welcome to my space oh god r u for real 24 hours?? samta wa7da? or u woke up every now and then? .. :)glad u liked the song lol
No seriously! Sleeping on the floor means your back will always be straight and you can twist and turn (and in your situation tumble) all you want! :P
m: to be honest i love sleeping vewy vewy mush :) but lately il nooma mafeeha 6a3am !
i think im old LOL
3baid : :) i believed you but those are sowalif yadity ;)
iatra : LOL shamshoon il jabar LOL
wild_mare .. i never experienced it :(
when i open my eyes i fall back asleep and dream lol
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