Save Garooh Island

Dearest Kuwaiti bloggers:
have you every heard about what is happening to garroh our tresure island?
did you ever asked why its very important?
did you ever wondered if this island gone with the tide what will happened to us?
Bloggers garoh is being covered by waves till half of the island, this island is the only island that draws our 7dood and its has plenty of oil in it, also it has plenty of great marine life and coral reefs, people this island is about to disappear because of many reasons which are assumptions till now and the main reason is man made pollution but killing corrals and breaking them ,another reason is those officers on the island who are afraid from the high wave so they built a wall facing the wave which cause high wave action and death of corrals. Corrals are the main thing for sand to build the island and prevent it from disappearing ; this is a balanced cycle corrals die on their own and turn into sand then mud and the waves moves the mud to the shore which dries with the actions of hi and low tide and will accumulate on the shore and increase the size of the island but when the officers built the wall the wave action became stronger to break the wall and instead of serving sand to the land it started to take sand from the land and the area is being decreased.
I Wish one of those laboosh governors support Kuwait university marine professors to save the country, No body is supporting researchers to research about garroh. If this island is gone our sea will decrease and our oil will decrease and our nature marine life that we are proud of will be gone with the wind people Do you know that in Canada they have fishery governor!!! Do you know that garroh is rich with variety of fishes and corrals.
We have no marine professors in kuwait university that are good enough to study this problem and suggest how to solve it.
no '3asan we do have ...Dr.Abdulla al zamel , Dr.mohammad al sar3awe geology Dr. manaf bahbehany ,Dr. salem al muhana, Dr. al7asan,Dr.Sube, Dr. fadwa abu sedo for biology and and for the physical chemistry we will need support because Dr. layla al 3umran left.
al these are majored in marine sciences and in their field but because we dont have marince sciene in kuwait university as a major their specialization is unknown to students.
all these professors had their pHD in relations to marine studies.
ماذا عن طلب المساعدة من الشيخه امثال الصباح؟ بالامكان بعث كتاب لها طلب المساعه في انقاذ هذه الجزيره.
Somthing worth to try
لطالما تمنيت ان يتم تحويل احدى هذه الجزر الى مركز علمي اخر للأحياء المائيه وبناء اكويريومز للسياحه .. كما يتم توفير رحلات غوص للعوائل والشباب للتعرف على انواع الاحياء البحريه والشعب المرجانيه الموجوده في الخليج.
افضل بكثير من الاهمال .. عندي صديق صارله سنتين يغوص في بحر الكويت وانصدم لمن قلتله عندنا دلافين صوب جزيرة قاروه
عزيزي لان الشيخه للعمل النطوعي فقط الي الجامعه محتاجه او هالبحث محتاج تمويل مادي كبير للالسفن والاجهزة و الايدي العامله لان الاجهزة كلها مو متوفره بالكويت لا بالجامعه و لا في معهد الابحاث
اهوا بس دلافين
انت بس او تدري قاروه اشكثر مهمة من الناحيه الطبيعيه فيها كنز اصلا كان من الممكن ان يسوون فيها مزاروع لللؤلؤ الطبيعي و ولو الحداقه مو امكسرين المرجان الي فيها جان صارت و شرم الشيخ الخليج
والله هالمكان المفروض ما يخلون احد يقرب صوبه
بس يالله الديره ورى المظاهر والمدخول المادي السريع تدري لو يعطون فرصه و ينطرون اشويه على مردود الطبيعه في هالديره جان صرنا من اغنى الدول ماديا و طبيعيا
بس شقول
this is a wonderful subject that you can start a campaign for.
Why not?
V important issue.
jo jo sweet dont you know i have been kicked out twice because of this subject from the EPA :)
no edu guy its not and i wont really be happy if they did it a national park ..because this is a very important island and should be a preservative ..
please if you have any picture would you e-mail me some ..because the university didn't allow me to go with my professor to check things out with my ouwn eyes (female) so if u do please i would be greatly thankful is you e-mail some to me thanks
I know them, they are not good enough.
'3asan they are good enough to study whats going on in this country ...where did you get this conclusion from?
I was student of most of them.
im sorry '3assan being a student with them doest give the right image untill you become a co-worker with them...they know what they r doing.
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