i am hungry its 10 am and my stomach is doing noises i am very very very vewy hungry i had the breakfast he gave me at 7:30 which was 4 slices of cucomber with small table spoon labna with apple jiuce now i am very hungry ..i dont know what part of me telling him i love breakfast he couldnt understand specially that i was on atkins diet for the past 6 months in Atkins breakfasts are very important and heavy too. I have to admit that when i first started doing atkins i felt mafjoo3a because you eat more than 3 kind of cheeses a day and more than 2 tyoes of protien intakes a day which i wasnt used to it i am a chocoholic (3ala goolat bo maryoom) when ever i am hungry i eat chocolate only . but thank god i learned how to stay away from chocolates and lose some wieght but now i eat chocolate and i am hating it i want real food i want eegs i want tuna i want smoked salmon with cream chives cheese i want olives with 3 melted cheeses i want sausages i want salami i want green olives ..i want sea wead salad with sashimi i want chicken bread i want i want real food i dont want salads no more i cant handle any more greens i dont know how i am going to continue with my research on algae while i wish i can eat them .... i want protien :( :( i want my muscles back this doc stopped me from going to the gym until he stabilize my metaboiZM :( i want to hit some yellow balls i want to throw my racket every time i miss a hit i want to make the balls fly to the sea :( i hate this diet
Eat normal and move around, stop going on diets
i did that for 4 years i didnt reach 50's :( and hence i work out and play tennis more than 3 times a week :( :(
lol 7abibti
You can do it.. I've seen it happen.
Just hang in there :)
oh shurouq oh oh
msbaker adrey 3anah hal Dr. agoola its better to have more than 3 small meals he laughs and tells me iinzeen inzeen ...i am going to him today i ca't go through this starvation if things didnt work i will go back on atkins
and my makaw is on the way :)
noooi stop killing yourself ... eat what you want in small amounts ... wallah ma yeswa , do it but in moderate way . let that Doc go to hell !
Listen to the voices of reason – and to the law of Anti-Reason # 57: "Want to gain some weight? Go on a diet!"
Moderation + Exercise = Success!
well you are all saying the right things but people i work out for 2 hours a day i kill i jog for an hour or half and then i do some crunches and etc, then i play tennis or squash for another hour..people i am not losing wieght...i have a very extremly slow metabolism because i dont have time to eat i eat my lunch which is a high protien and fiber dish and the rest of the day will be anything to munch on like sweets and chewwing gum :( if i had dinner which is always when we go out for dinner is a high fiber dinner ....
now the part is yet i am not losing wieght i lose 5 kilos and stop if i stop i gain 3 and then i stay the same again :( and all day i drink water nothing els...
i have only 5 days a month where i eat 3 meals with 2 snaks which is on the days that i go out for breakfast and out for lunch and dinner :) so 5 days a month i might have tekherbe6...
now does anyone have a solution for me ?
i dont have time to have breakfast only on weekends and i dont have time to have lunch only on weekends too and my lunch during the day yekoon at 5 pm which is dinner and when i get hungry at night i eat kharabee6 like the snaks Mr. atkins recomend
now i am stuck i want to lose wieght oo i can't go through the starvation diet and i can't have five small meals a day me no have time to sit and eat and if i do at school i dont eat what they sell
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