OK i am on this starvation diet that i am not losing much wieght on ! i dont know why this doctor can't believe me when i tell him i never lose wieght with chocolate and juices in the diet.. He the silly guy started to bet that i will lose wieght while having half a bar and 2 cups of juices a day ..so today was the meeting and i only lost 1 kilo not 2 as i said befor mezan beetna chathab, so he wasnt happy and i was still very hungry ..He changed the diet to a very hunger munger one and only from reading what he gave me i am ungry already i will have nothing els that a salad for dinner and one egg for luch with salad :( i am hungry and green tea in the evenings... so now i decided to play around with his diet a little i will take the chocolates off since i've been used to be away from chocolate for more than 3 years now and i will remove the juices and i will stay with his salads (i hate salads) so we''ll see this time how this diet will work ,, with him every body is losing like about 3-5 kilos a week and i am starving and they are not ..i believe because i am not taking the recommended pills ..so anyhow i am back to my Nikken Bottle for more water intake a day as what Dr. atkins recomemnded alla yarzegah al janna and i did this cover to my bottle which i can't understand why kuwaiti are really having fun making fun of my MAMEYA :P ... every body is telling me (ha ma3a al rath3a ) i am like he he :.> :)
PLease crocheters Don't copy this work without asking please, thanks
diet ma 3endch salfa :P
ee walla .. mayta min al yooo3
well, well, well...you are struggling with ur die and inshallah u'll do it right ...
1- Before strating a diet take a picture of you and stick it on the fridge .
2- If you're gonna eat a chocolate bar chop it and then eat it in a small amounts .
3- Walk , dance or exercise .
4-Keep saying " I CAN DO IT "
5-You have to eat "SALAD"
I did it and it worked with me .. it will give you a little push .
Good Luck
PS: mashallah , very nice crochet :)
oh blossom i didnt mean you gurl with the crochet .. its happened alot with me with bloggers so no worries on you :*
and about the tips thank you vewy vewy mush i hate salads but i will not now :(
thankyou lady i will stuck on your tips me likey
That's great we are clear now :) ...I am glad that u liked my tips :)
sure you are blossom ausome :)
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