How sweet is that? once upon a time there was these two newly engaged couples in this country and they tried to have some time to know each other befor getting married so they asked for permition to talk on their cells to have some space and express them selfs, snyways they exchanged numbers and waited for the contact and boom both of them were too shy to call and talk so they kept SMSing each other for a long period of time. One day he visited her at her and at that day the family gave them some space and left them alone in that room. He sat infront of her with no words came out of his mouth for the hours that they were alone and she didnt try to say anything either, she sat waiting for him to do something becuase this is how she like her man to be to take the first move, when nothing came up from him she left the room and called her family to join in. When they had their SMS's conversations started after he left she asked him why were you so quite today? is there is anything worring you? he simply replied 'i wanted to kiss you so badly and i was trying to hold my self from not to do so" she didnt reply anything back ..after a while he SMSed her few kisses and she didn't like it so she told him its too early for those kisses and he didnt stop sending her kisses and didnt like it so he finaly called her for the first time with his bedroom voice ;) to ask her "did you get upset?" she didnt reply him. The conversation was ended there and the next day he came to her with a bag full of hershy kisses and a little beany bag duck toy with a little card saying, i wish i was those chocolates!
hahahahaha, wala 3aba6 :P
no its so sweet
Ay sweet alla yhadach :)
(val - radera?)
You think so shorouq?
Your little story seems soo real for some reason.. But I think I would have handled the whole situation differently..
now to think of it, I wouldn't be in that situation to begin with I guess.. being engaged to someone I never spoke with.. I don’t think I could do that, but hey!! that's me..
what's wrong with u guys i found it soo sweet..maskien i feel for him..ento ma ya3gebkom ella elyar3ien!!!
*@@* nooni:
he's sooooooo sweet
Don the greatest: 3ala rasy , exactlly thats why they allow the engagment thing which is only called that way but infact its not real engagment its just allowing the talking period ,,with out leting their childs to go through secret love in this country chinhoum 7arameya..We LOVE "YOU" Don we adore it alot.
aqua beautiful: why not?
Nanoo al 7anooona : thank you sweety ma7ad fahemny '3eerich ;")e wala3alaya he is so kido.
Nano, nooni.. wow that sounded like a tongue twister.. say nanonano nooni, 3ushir marrat quickly.. LoOoL
but really.. I never said it is not sweet.. I only said that I would have handled it differently.
Donn : you are unique dude this is a fact.
B.L. : welcome to mine too, how lovley the way you felt it , took my breath.
Aqua; i got your back,, i really agree with you.
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