Burning cheeks

Did you ever dropped a tear and felt it burning your skin?
Here the storey begins,On a beautiful sunny day he wake up earlier than usual heavy and tiered from bed, its too early to go to work he tries to rest a little more. Laid down his head of his fresh warm pillow covered him self with a soft feather cover which smelled like his favorite perfume ,the perfume she gave him on valentines day.
He is the man of power this is what his friends call him , he is the tough guy in his group, he is the man that don't know fear in hard situations , he is the man who first takes action when things don't work the way his beloved ones wish, He is the man who can't handle seeing anyone being lost or in need for help he is the man who can't stay still when something is going wrong. He is always there when his friends in need , he is always there when someone can't find their way home, he is always there to help other to draw a smile on others faces to make them happy , He is always there to smoothes their lives. He gives them the power to live, he gives them the energy to work , he brightn up their days.
Once he laid his head and started to sleep The same dream came again, it has been the third time he get the same dream over and over. Fear have come to his heart, chills covered his skin, this dream is weakens him. He wonders why is she visiting me? What she wants from me ? What can I do to let her feel safe?"This dream is almost a nightmare to him. He is dreaming of Her again and again, she is a mother of a person so close to his heart. He admire this person and never said a word about it, he is so in love with her but yet he don't know her. He feels she is an angle came to bless his heart but with this dream he is total scared to even get in contact with her, He had a dream of her Dead husband who he never met or heard anything about him. When he first had that dream he prayed for his soul to rest in peace but now he is praying to her husband more than praying for his own dead father. He scared me out. He visited him too many times in his dream asking him to take care of his wife and to keep an eye on her, to make her happy and safe and to give her all the love that she might be missing after his death.
He never met his wife, nor talked to her. He just knows her from far away he reads her articles in the daily news paper and exchanged few letters with her. But yet she had this influence on his heart.
Its been 3 days now and he can't have a good night sleep, her husband visit him every night and make him awake for the whole night praying for his soul.
He gets out of bed scared runs to work _maybe he can forget_ tried his best not to read her article or think about her but he couldn't hold him self. After his hectic day he tried to relax for a while when she passed in front of him, for the first time in his life he saw her shining on the roads like a soft pearl .For the First time in his life his tears dropped on his cheeks in public and burned his skin ...
She is in front of him and he have that message from her passed husband and he can't evens say hi to her!
When he first got that dream to tried to write a letter to her maybe she have something to say to him ..This gave him the chance to exchange few more letters with her and start to know her a little more, after those letters he felt how strongly sh eis not intreseted , she froze his feelings.
He expressed his love to her and showed her his strange admiration but on the other hand she couldn't have a fraction of his love to her, She likes his writings as well he works on another news paper too.
And the story begins; The strong man , the man of all time the man of power needs who gives him a hug, he is crushed to the ground. Every body is wondering about the tears in his eyes .
He is weak he is lonely he stopped talking to his friends he stopped being in social gatherings her stopped being happy, His own skin hurts hum, his stomach aches his head aches he is in sever pain , his legs can't make his stand he can't feel his body.
His virtual love made him weaker made him Mr.Lonely Her words became knifes into his chest.
This strong man Is broken, Anyone to help?
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