My Giber Baby.

Coraz'n Partio (alejandro sanz)
My little giber baby is breaking my heart, this lovely creature im lost with him, dunno how to train him no more, he has been chewing every toy i buy him and even his own stand, Ziggy Marley my bird, unbelievable how hard headed he is..i give up i can't train him i can't punish him i can't tell him something or anything all he wants to do is play and kiss and chew.. Every time i punish him he comes like a little baby into where ever i am and squeeze him self next to me and spin over so i play with his stomach.
He is being bala3 al beeza, he eats every thing and anything that i am using . Now he chewed all the cars keys in the house and my bag and a newspaper and our couch,,, damn it. I have to admit i can't make him stop going on our furniture and yet i can't put him in a cage because he might bite off my finger and become very protective to his home. And yet after all the food he eats he loves chili, potato puffs, tomato, and every thing else than his normal healthy vegi and fruit dishes.
I HAVE TO SAY THIS; i give up on training him i've been trying all kind of training but he keeps on fooling me. I tried stopping him from following me to kitchen but he still managed to find him self a way to push the door and come in and stay under my chain around the table he thinks i dont notice him :) and he climbs my leg to my shoulder and starts covering him self with my hair.
I managed to close the kitchen door well but yet he found him self another way from the other door, so all doors are closed well yet he managed to run into the kitchen before i go in (he is timing my moves) and waits under my chair so i get shocked when i move my chair to sit. irresistable but i have to be harsh on him and take him back to his stand and yet he don't stay there he waits from me on the couch which I don't know how to fix before my mothers comes home , he has been chewing this couch very badly Allah yaster . i even moved the couch and kept it in a hidden place but he managed to go to it and sit on his corner.
After a while i tried to stop him from going on the couch or in the kitchen this lasted for 30 hours only when he started to follow me upstairs by climbing the stair into my room then moms room then the living room (and all these places are what he sees me going to) and when I stopped him after 48 hours he kept on coming upstairs and stand on the balcony to make me come to him and take him back down to his stand.
Thank god he stopped coming upstairs but yet he started following me to the door every morning and stand next to the door until I come home and take him to his place.
NOW ya jama3a i've been fooled by a bird! How can i make him stay on his stand until i come to him ?! And make him stop chewing everything ? And how can I make him behave? Any ideas??
Please help.
(note: I stopped going to parties because of my scratched arm so I badly need to behave him any ideas:?)
7aram! :(
yes 7aram :p
the stallion and ra-1 : i just posted the real post people :) ana ily 7aram not this baby ;)
Your parrot sounds like a wonderful creature, despite the chewing. What I do with my African Grey (casco) is make sure he has plenty of toys, perches and food to chew on. He loves carrots and apples (without seeds, toxic). That's what they do, they chew. =) I bought huge perches that you can place outside the cage (or in) that are made of hard mineral clay from Brazil, I think the name is "Manu" or something like that. My bird loves them.
Oh yeah, by the way, Alejandro Sanz? Wow, good taste! =)
machboos ziggy gets rid of the problem once and for all
Stinni: i want toys in kuwait i couldnt find any toys for my macaw , u know he is not tinny like affrican grey and also they dont chew as much as macaws (i used to have to affrican greys )
and thank you .
Purg: ma3ndy galb
stinni why are the seeds poisson?
yaryooor : fa6astny min il thi7ik , ashterelah pet :) hatha ye'3ar etha yebt shay thany yakelny :):)
btw. we act w/ him as if he is a dog because he is nothing like a bird accept his look:D
Apple seeds contain cyanide.
Other foods you should never give to a parrot: chocolate, avocado, dairy, salt, mushrooms, onions, anything with caffeine.
Why not ship some chewable toys for your macaw through Aramex? =)
Walla seems like your bird thinks it's a little puppy who's teething!
One thing you can do but I'm a tad against it, is that you can tie the bird's leg to the stand! It's a thought but as I said I'm against it!
stinni i did and they a broken already in less than one week :) ., oh those food i know but he loves seeds but he hates apple so im safe .. and he hates all the no good food you mentioned so my bird is on the safe side :) thanks. i would love to know more about training and toys if you know any website or anyone or anything please i would be thankful.
the stallion: hehe he is :) , well yeah me either i can't tie him he was tied eb soug il 7amam enough i guess because he still have phobia from anything touching his leg.
ya salam 3aleek ya bloboz a7san 7al ta3jebny :)
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