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In Kuwait University its very common to recieve love notes or or gifts on yor car from a secret admirer .
But on my lovley car i never recieved those things , i\ve always recieved something more valuable i always get hijab tapes from unknows which i really can't get it!
Even with co-workers or lets say class mates its normal if you get a flower from one on valentine..But being me the scary miss piggy i have none but beautiful words from this Handsome, sweet and Gay Class mate which we are more like brothers the whole group is, i even give him names some times...He always and always tell girls why dont you do your hair like nooni or why dont you wear i dunno what like nooni..ALTHOUGH I dont really look good for school :) ,and today i got a note from his gay friend telling me tara he is straight ..This dude is talking in a very stange way these days ,,when ever i call him flan he replies "yes baba" "ee Baba" "la baba " "agoolich baba entay weenich ams" "baba shal 7alat al youm" "Baba nooni eshloan kan emte7anich" "baba sheftay Dr.flan" "baba khala9taw?" "nooni baba eshloan hal mada"...etc
In a song for Ray Charlles named "Hallaluja i love her so" there is a part when he say : in the evening when the sun go down she kisses me and hold me tight and tell me daddy everything will be alright. So he might be affected by Ray love life BUT
He is calling me that way every single time we talk which is like every day in my free time at school when the whole group gather and today my friend told me that he came to her and told her that he have a crush on me hehe maynooon i noticed that i am the only one from the girls being called that way from Mr.Macho man ...?!?! why for god sake he is being my baba hehe crazy.. What do you think? why is he baba me? why is he not gay ? :) we've together for 3 years now and every single year he was gay more than the year befor and even when he talk he is very not straight
i want him back gay oooooh i really can't understand what do you get out of this ppl?
عدددددل يامحطمة قلوب
ال Virgen Gays :P
Good luck with your Romeo.
ليش ماتعرفينه حق ziggy
LooooooooooooL lil alien inta walla OK
shkla he is my father not romeo ..7ady lost with him
ofcourse i will act as if no one told me anything but i would love to know what is the problem with baba?!
Your should be Very Good that you made a gay become straight lol alah ye3enech ..
stay away from him, and if he asks why, tell him because I said so.
sowhat whatever...but hey im miss piggy no :P
Purg :) hehehe 7ather ! mokanik kha'6ar
Good, and what is with your weather picture! emsa3a ra3ad and now in nighty :P
You're just irresistable. Admit it Nooni
purgi this is kuwait man :)
jo jo hehe ela ohwa maynoon,, i still cant believe he is straight if you see him you will think he is a girl 7ata an3am miny daloo3 o na3em oo nathya 7ada :) :) aste7ey lama ashte'3el m3ah ohwa thaaaaarb lol
well ... look at the bright side ... u made him straight
he is stand-by for you if ur available
blossom helarious hehehe
Are you that good?!
Anyway, the guy could be bi or something!
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