This might look ...very Dare and sexy
but people forget about all these things and look the painting it self
its very well done , very detailed very amazing..very very beautiful painting ,dont you agrat ee?
The painting is by
Boris Vallejo.
Check his bio. on www.imaginistix.com/borisbio.cfm
I tried to look at the painting ,but somehow I cant,cuaze my mind keep telling me that its a a mans ASS , and dont look at it , am I right?
I think it is a mans ass!
may I add a cute ass too ;)
sorry nooni...I didn't mean it in a sexual way...I'm just admiring ;)
its not a mans one it belongs to a female 100%
jeybo no wories dear i get ur back :)and feel free for anything dear.
The artist is well know for his provocative paintings of women in mythological / fantasy / sci-fi settings. I used to have on of his posters (The Rescue of Andromeda).
What is wrong with you with asses ?....what is the next ass gonnaa look like?
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العمل ذكرنى بالثمانينات..
و الايربرش
anti ya nurd :) thanks for the info
Blosson not ausome this time :D check the painting and forget about the picture.
Bo maryom: :) ye3aqid
Did you just refer to me as a “Nerd”? Moi? Huh!!!
Anyhow, need I remind you that art and women are two of my specialties?
You know, something just occurred to me. Vallejo loves to portray women’s posteriors in his paintings.
I recall one drawing that shows what looks like a woman in a shower holding the soap close to her behind, except that wasn’t an ordinary bar of Lux - it was licking the woman!
neat nerd :) i will go check it ...i love his paintings..
ma aloomik you like women and art you are an nerd aries no :P
tara im teasing you
“are an nerd aries no”
I can’t decipher what you are trying to say here??
ariens are either nerds ornormal ppl... and both they love art and the Xsex
so u r a nerd arian who loves women and art
got it?
If you are talking about astrology, I suggest you read my very first post.
anti i did shino feeh?
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