Its all in Your Eyes

By Adriano Mestroni (children, leh -wet hair)
Come back to me with those beautiful eyes, come close let me see your hidden worries behind them, No don't hide don't run away I am here to dry those tears and to splash you worries apart. Don't worry about me I am old enough to handle your worries you are the sun shine of my life I am here to bless your heart to help your smile to show and bright up your life, my little lovely baby you are all that I wished for in this world ..
keep on smiling keep on running between the flowers; spread the love that you are made from,grow and bloom let the whole world see how pretty you are, run to me come to me when you need a shoulder to lean on when you need love when you need warmth into your bones I am here for you I am here to make you feel better no dear no baby love don't worry about me I am here to make you happy and don't worry your worries you will never make me feel bad I will always be happy because you are around, come close let me look into those lovely eyes let me kiss them and hug you tightly, come jump on my lap sqeeze your self in my arms , you are the beauty of this world.
baby you need a hair wash come on its shower time :)
Its all in your eyes!!
hmmmmmm هذا لغز صح ؟؟
اكيد الاجابه القمص :P
اول ماشفت الصورة تذكرت فيلمThe Ring
حدي كنت قاعد على اعصابي وانا اشوفه
اشرايك تقرى المكتوب كله مو بس العنوان :) والله فطستني من الضحك حدك الين :)
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