Sunday, April 17, 2005

Chew more often ..its better for your metabolism and you teeth ..


Blogger Jelly Belly said...

Chewing gum makes me hungry...

4/17/2005 11:26 PM  
Blogger True Faith said...

And don't like chewing gum.

4/18/2005 3:00 PM  
Blogger Muhammad Aladdin said...

هو مين كان بياكل هنا؟ الفك المفترس؟ طب دي لو ست : بتتعامل مع جوزها ازاي ف الخناقات؟!


4/19/2005 12:21 AM  
Blogger Nooni said...

jello: ty chewing the minty or strong taste ones :)

True faith: chewing gum reduces facial wrinkles :D and strengthen you jaw muscles..
This is the only way i can talk.

Mhd: aywa

4/20/2005 2:30 PM  
Blogger Nooni said...

3ala2: al set ily takol al 3elka dee bet2a6a3 goozha 7etat :D

4/20/2005 2:30 PM  
Blogger Muhammad Aladdin said...

يا حفيظ يا رب!
هو اتجوزها و لا اصطادها!


4/21/2005 10:50 PM  
Blogger Nooni said...

3ala2 al setat al yomeen doool yen9adoo

4/22/2005 10:07 PM  

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