DID you ever tried this chocolate??? if not WHAT ARE WAITING for go get it. its the best snack ever now that i am on a diet with Dr.AlKheder whom his diet include a bar of chocolate a day and starvation all day long this is the best thing people try it and you will pray for me. It worth to starve for it yummmmmmmmmmmmy yumy alla ye9aberny le bacher i am hungry
Is this the one made in Egypt? If so it tastes like chocolate covered sawdust :-<
Hehehe! So, what happened to the one who advised me that my doctor “may3aref khwara”?
I’m still gobbling choco-stuff as if there is no tomorrow – aaaah; so many varieties, such a short life!!!
Well I'm on a diet also, but can't have any sweets :(
DR. Dashti and his rules
Lost 8Kg in 3 weeks WoooHoooo !!!
anti i hate you :(
i dont know if it is made in eygpt but what i know is my nutritionest is not a doctor and he is giving me chocolates :0) ana ga3aaaaaaaaaan
lil alien nawart ebloogy but please be very carefull with Dashtis diet because its modified ATKins and Southbeach diet please drink as much water as you can at leat one whole large bottle a day please please and yes good for you stay away from chocolates. yala share your results with us make me proud ;) keep up the good work
Read the label, baby!
I’m reading this while munching on this new collection from Lindt – it includes this dark flavor with various fillings. ABSOLUTE HEAVEN! The collection is so new I can’t find it on their web site :-/
Oh, and I haven’t even started on the many bunny chocks I’ve received for Easter ;-)
Diet? Huh!
yummy antiseptic yummy yummy o ham yummy
darck chocolate with esspresso double shots oh oh oh abeeeeeeeee kakawww al7eeen
oh i got one of these rabits they are dilisasssion actually i love every kind of chocolate from this brand accept the butter milk one
lucky you walla lucky you ,thank god i can have a bar at 11:30am :) e7m yummy my mouth is watery already aaaaah
One chocolate bar a day? This is torture Nooni :(
OK, after doing the math, it appears for Easter I received more chocolate bunnies than I gave away – almost a dozen! You want me to send you some?
A meager one chocolate bar – of dubious quality – a day reminds me of KitKat in Kintergarten, with the Ablat warning us not to eat too much sweets otherwise we’d lose our teeth – RUBBISH!
Its so great to live in a nation populated by people with sweet teeth. Chocolate everywhere, every time with everyone. I don’t wish to tell you what my charming – yet very naughty – companion did this morning! Sorry, but she wouldn’t allow me to take a picture!
You know the new White KitKat Chunky bars? As an appetizer for the evening, I get one of those, dip them in nutella.
You know that Kahyyam quatrain about a book of verse, jug of wine and loaf of bread? He almost had it right – but they didn’t know about chocolate in his days, poor fella!
kuwaiti man ofcourse kitkat la yo3la 3aleeh madrey shey7e6oon feeh yekhaloona addicted!! taga shino 7a6een feeh?
JoJo,, sheftay eshloon :( :(
oh anti i tried this white kitkat its diliciouse
ba3deen weyaaak kila et7erney :( abeeey i want some of everything even that lady you hanged out with abeey :P
Emmm, innocent question: Why do you want to hang out with my lady friend for? What do you intend to do?
Emmm, innocent question: Why do you want to hang out with my lady friend for? What do you intend to do?
Oh please , chocolate made in Eygpt !!!it makes me sick ,it is tasteless as plastic ... Let us hope that they Keep bringing Red Bounty directly from UK....! Yummy yummy :p
الله يرحم كاكاو بونجوم
antiseptic: legafa
Blossom dear you try it then say eewy
LiL : hehe it is still alive yummy kakaw bo njoom with sunkest :) good all days still alive
I think you inadvertently exposed your age to the rest of us ;-D
My friend says no! – its too weird for her
Oh, and I’ve got a present for you now that I’m back in my headquarters – please step into my blog this evening.
(While at it, a new quiz is on the way!)
Now it is unfair to suggest and not elaborate on the naughty chocolate affair. Sounds exciting.
Trust me for now – it was a naughty event! So much so, I think I need a rating system for my blog ;-)
Stay tuned for a series I’m putting together: “Adventures of a Ladies’ Man”.
Snack 6e7t 3leih mn ftra, but reading A_R's comment made me think of that chocolate taste :D & he is kinda right there is a weird taste in its coating chocolate.. try TOGGI omg am in love with it latelly :D amazing!
LiL Alien .. bo0njoom o sugarLESS cappuccino :} give it a try
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