THANK god my blog is back and alive, its been weeks without it i missed you bloggy boggy ... really strange thing happened to my blog its was simply gone not published and i was the victim in this blogOsphere problem. NOW my blog flowers are blooming again in this great wintery weather Enjoy it people....Or what do you think about winter? how sexy is it to you? share your thoughts let us know.
Your blog was not gone, but did not show, which is a common problem. Usually it is connected to something in a post, so the best thing to do next time is to delete that post or find the error that cause it in the post, sometimes its from the picture, sometimes form the use of a certain tag, etc.
other option, find me and i can help
HEY purg. waz up man?
yeah ! i didnt know that such a thing can happen.. but how can i know which post caused it, the last one i post !!!
they told me that they lost the html of my blog and all i have to do is to chose a new skin !!! or something like that with different words :P
ANYWAY, thank you purg i will sure will findch ya man
yeah usually it is the last post that causes problems if you get the same again, so remove it, and do it again
thank you purg i'll do it.
brachy. thanks my dear; same wise , i simply adore winter i am so in love with it.
the way the sun rise slow and the chill of cold, oh i remember my self in snow i loved it i was the only person who was actually enjoying it, the way your face turns red from the cold weather and cheeks and nose and lips are soooo pink ... OH its really the best time for valentine.
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